Monday, October 12, 2020

Rest of the Long Weekend Fun

Friday was busy with birthday baking and celebrations, so I knew I needed to get out early if I wanted to get in some miles. Of course, I also didn't want to be rushing out the door into the darkness, so I settled on a 7:00 am start for a run on the roads around town. Nice cool bright morning. (8.0 miles)

Saturday was our 21st anniversary 💗, which as has been typical was overshadowed by Sam's birthday 😂 and which, with Covid, meant that it wasn't quite the time for dinner out or a weekend away. Hopefully we can do that another time once there's a bit more normalcy in the world! 

Ryan needed to drop stuff off at Bradbury for Sunday's race and we were heading to the beach after lunch for Sam and Anne's birthday celebration, so once again an early morning run it was, but not too early! 😉😆 Headed out around 7:10 for a run on the powerlines and on the Gone Fishing mountain bike trails. Pretty sky and some nice foliage too. Warm and breezy. Enjoyed listening to Emma's podcast with her coach while I ran along 💜 (10.4 miles)

Came home and enjoyed a piece of leftover birthday cake and a cup of pumpkin coffee. Perfect mid-morning, post-run, pre-beach snack 😋🍰

Then after lunch, we headed to Reid State Park for a small birthday party celebration for Sam and Anne with three of the girls that they've both known since they were 6 months old at Building Blocks! I love that these kids have stayed friends through the years and that we were able to get them together to celebrate 💗 In these pandemic times, it is even more special 💖 And we could not have picked a more beautiful October day. Bright, sunny and warm, with maybe a bit more wind than we would have liked, but that didn't stop the girls from playing in the water and having a blast! What a fun afternoon 😍

Sam and KT got right in! 


Sunday was Big Brad. I thought about trying to either get out for a run before Ryan left at 5:00 am (nope) or a bit later, but felt slightly anxious about leaving Sam at home with Ryan over at the park, so instead we had a rather lazy, relaxing morning before heading over to volunteer for the afternoon shift. Due to Covid, there were modifications to all component of the race, including moving Ryan's aid station into the park so that it could more easily feature one way traffic. It was fun to have the chance to actually be at a race (!!), cheer on friends, do some volunteering and be with our trail family, but honestly it wasn't the same with no hugging, less assisting, and less hanging out, but everyone seemed to be having a good time and we were glad to be there, even if it wasn't quite your typical race day. 

Sam and I detoured out to Fielder's Choice on our way home so that I could get one of their one-weekend-only apple crisp sundaes. It did not disappoint! Yum! 😋🍎🍨 Sam got a huge waffle cone filled with the pumpkin ice cream which was also delicious!

Woke to temps in the low 30s this morning, and headed out around 6:45 for a mellow meander out in the woods. There was a bit of frost on the ground and low fog rising over the water out in the Heath and along the river, some pretty color still to be found, two deer and 14 turkey seen. Beautiful morning! (8.0 miles)

Spent the rest of the morning doing a few errands and getting things done around the house while Ryan worked for a few hours, then after lunch, we all went to get our flu shots 😷 after which we headed over to Crystal Spring Farm for a walk. Beautiful afternoon with some nice color out along the fields. Definitely a good day to get outside! (2.8 miles walked)

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