Sunday, October 20, 2024


After a cold and rainy start on Monday, it turned into a beautiful week with warm days filled with sunshine, and cold nights and mornings that finally required that I turn on the heat! 

Monday was a holiday and a day off from work and school, although I think all three of us were doing work at one point! And because it was reasonably nasty out, I took a zero day. Later in the afternoon, Ryan headed south to Boston to fly out to CO for the week and Sam and I joined Mom and Dad for dinner. 

Tuesday morning was a dark, damp and cold Highland Green run before work. (5.5 miles)

Wednesday, I ran across the Androscoggin for a road loop. Pretty morning and the early morning light hitting the leaves was lovely. (6.5 miles)

Thursday, I was attending an all-day conference down in Portland, so I got up early to take a walk in the morning darkness for a bit of movement. The moon was bright and full with Orion's belt clear against the dark sky. Of course, my camera did not capture the beauty. (2.6 miles walked)

Many thanks to Mom and Dad for taking Sam up to swim on both Wednesday and Thursday, and for feeding us again on Thursday evening! We are so lucky to have them in town 💕💕

Friday, I had every intention of getting in a run, but I had errands on my to-do list that I wanted to accomplish first and then I got caught up in work stuff and then Sam was having an end of the week, I'm tired meltdown about swim, and so my plans to get in a run during that time disappeared, not to mention we had a few errands to run together before we headed home, and by then I simply was out of energy. But it truly such a nice afternoon, I didn't want to waste it entirely and got out for a walk before picking up dinner for the night. I really should know better than to wait on my run, but such is life. Oh well. (2.2 miles walked).

Ryan got home around 7:30 and was all excited to see us and we were both wiped and in bed by 8:00 😂😂 Welcome home, honey! 😜

Saturday, I headed out on the powerlines for a run around 7:15. The sun was still rising, there was frost on the grasses and it was a lovely morning to be out. Got in 10 miles and while the legs felt a bit clunky, it was nice to hit double digits again (even if just barely!)! (10.0 miles)

Then it was time to quickly shower and clean the house before Sam's friends came over to head to the football game and back for a pizza and cake birthday celebration. Always so fun to see the girls together 😍😍

Sunday was our annual Trail Monster get together and run. We met up at Lost Valley for a hilly 1 mile loop. Lots of hills and fun. Enjoyed meandering along and spent time chatting with different friends along the loop. Then we all walked back to the lodge and sat around chatting, enjoying some yummy potluck offerings and drinking cold beer in the sunshine. A good morning! (6.85 miles)

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