Monday, February 19, 2024


A little bit of everything this week. Wind, beautiful sunrises, snow, a funeral and fun with friends. And of course swimming and work, but those are a given πŸ˜‚

Monday was a rest day. Tuesday, I had planned to run in the afternoon but it was so gray and uninspiring out that I simply could not summon the energy. Blah. Just didn’t feel like running but wanted to get a bit of movement before I sat back at my computer to get more work done, so went for a walk around the school block. (2.0 miles walked)

Wednesday, I headed out on the road at 6:30 and caught a truly beautiful sunrise crossing the Androscoggin, but it was so windy out!! Holy moly, I was getting blown around out there! πŸ’¨πŸ’¨ Ran into Bill on the way up Summer Street and caught up with him for a minute or two as he pulled pull me up the hill before peeling off to head home. (7.0 miles)


Thursday, I had a number of meetings and knew I wouldn't be able to fit in an afternoon run. That was enough to actually get me out the door into the darkness at 5:31 am. Cold and windy but nice and clear with a lovely glow on the horizon. Looked so lovely on the back of the loop that I ran back on the powerlines just to catch another glimpse of the sunrise. (6.1 miles)

An inch or two of fluffy snow fell overnight. Had to sit in on a few meetings and calls on Friday morning for work, so didn’t get out until later, but at least by the time I got out, the sidewalks were mostly clear. Back road a bit slick. Windy and cold but the blanket of snow covering everything is lovely. Looped and wandered around Highland Green. (9.0 miles)

Crow tracks

Mouse art!

Saturday morning, I was up and out early as Mom and Dad were picking me up at 7:20 so we could head down to Mass for the funeral for Andy's dad, Dennis. Only had time for a short run. Cold, overcast and calm. (6.4 miles)

The service was nice, and it was good to see Neal who came as well, and of course to be able to talk with and hug Andy, Tina and the rest of the family. As always in situations like this, you wish you were getting together for a happier occassion, but I was glad we were able to go and be there. Dennis was a great man, and it was lovely to see so many people there to remember him. πŸ’—

Got home late afternoon and spent a bit of time on the couch before Ryan and I headed out for date night at Enoteca and to use the gift card Mom and Dad nicely got us for Christmas! We always so enjoy going and sitting at the bar to talk with Henry, and of course, the food was delish! As was my espresso martini! 🍸🍹

Sunday was Val's birthday run up at Riverlands. This is always such a fun way to celebrate and get together! We truly are so lucky to have Val as a friend πŸ’—And Ryan, who has been feeling much better, decided to join too, so that was even better. The morning dawned bright, cold and windy, and we all trundled down through the woods to set up on the ice with food and drink and a fire and lots of chit chatting. Then it was off for the run, a 10k out and back that people did as many times as they wanted. It was great to be able to catch up here and there with so many different people as we ran along and then after back on the ice. Always a good time!!😍 Conditions were suprisigingly decent, with a coating of snow atop packed snow and ice. Longest run in a while! (12.0 miles)

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