Monday, July 3, 2023

End of June and Off to Camp

Monday was an intentional zero day but on Tuesday, the weather (rain and thunder in the early morning hours) and a 12 1/2 hour work day got the best of me and I didn't get a run or walk in. 

Wednesday morning, I was up and out early on the cart paths. Incredibly muggy and heavy out. Like running through soup. Deer flies are out. Ah summer running, gotta love it. 🤪😆 But on the plus side, first blueberries of the season, and the rose pogonia are in bloom. (6.2 miles)

Milkweed in bloom

Whorled loosestrife

Rose pogonia 😍

Another heavy, humid, muggy run on Thursday morning. So sweaty. Good grief, this weather is rough. Ran a loop around Highland Green. One kingfisher seen and so much cow and crown vetch along the roadside. (6.0 miles)

Crown vetch

By the time I took Sam up to her final day of summer swim at 5:45 pm, it was cooler, and a lot less muggy. Plus there was a bit of a breeze, so it was actually pleasant to get in a walk around the Bath block. (2.0 miles walked)

Friday morning, I went out and got my errands done first then came home and headed out for a run on the powerlines around 10:30. It wasn't like it mattered much from a weather standpoint. It was still heavy, muggy and overcast. Although by the time I hit the final mile, the clouds had cleared and it was definitely getting steamy. Many more ripe blueberries, and I really wish I could bottle the smell of hay scented ferns. Yum. (9.0 miles)

Spreading dog bane

Partridge berry

I really had been hoping to get in my long run miles on Saturday, but my body and mind were just not cooperating. Felt like I was plodding along running through soup, and somehow managed to have put on my shorts inside out and didn’t realize it until mile 4, so yup, that about sums it up. 🤪🤦🏼‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂💦 Looped around town on a mix of road and trails. (10.1 miles)

Which meant that I was up and out early on Sunday morning to get in my long run before we dropped Sam at camp. Headed out at 6:30 and ran the cart paths and down to the river. Misty, muggy, foggy, heavy, with no air movement and the deer flies were most definitely out, making my decision on where to go for the second half of the run a bit easier. I took to the roads, looping around town, and adding in a few trail sections along the way to mix it up. True rain started in the final 30 minutes of the run, but by then it didn't really matter. I was soaked anyway! 💦💦Not a particularly peppy long run, but I got it done. (20.0 miles)

Rose pogonia in amongst the boggy grasses 

Then it was a quick turn-around to shower, change and get something to eat before we headed up to Winthrop to drop Sam off at camp. Another rainy start to camp, but she was excited and I know she will have a great time!


Ryan and I came home and relaxed on the couch for a bit, listening to the rain pour down outside before heading over to Nomad for an early dinner. Man, their pizza really is delish! And then I was in bed before 8:00 pm 😂😂 

Can't believe it is already July. Summer is flying by! Realized I missed the May wrap-up so here are two months for the price of one. Ha!

May wrap-up:

Miles run: 194.84

Miles walked: 13.6

Miles XC skiied: 0

6 zero days

June wrap-up:

Miles run: 178.2

Miles walked: 19.1

Miles XC skiied: 0

 8 zero days

It's always interesting to me to see when I hit certain milestones. In 2019 when I was training for Western States, I hit 1,000 miles on June 7; 2020, when there was no racing and I was just running, it was June 12; no idea in 2021, apparently I did not document it on Strava or my blog; in 2022, it was June 23. And this year, the 1,000 mile date was June 18.


Miles run: 1,071.6

Miles walked: 92.5

Miles XC skiied: 18.1

 37 zero days

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