Sunday, March 19, 2023

Water Views

A water view on every run this week - always nice to have a pretty run view! 

With swim season officially over, there are no more evening walks on the indoor track or walks outside on the Bath sidewalks for a while. So with that, Ryan and I got out for a rather chilly and windy walk around the school block from home late on Monday afternoon once I got home from work. (1.7 miles walked)

A snow day was called late on Monday evening for Tuesday. Always nice when they call it early! But in this case, I actually think the kids could have gone to school, as although it started snowing mid-morning, it really didn't accumulate, and it wasn't until around 3:00 that the snow really started to come down and it looked like a storm out there. Ah well. 

With the forecast and the school snow day, I worked from home, so I did a bit of work early and then headed out around 7:30 for a run to beat the snow. Looped around Highland Green and added on the short out and back down to the river, just for fun. Road shoes were not quite the correct footwear choice for that short stretch 😂 but as always, it is pretty down along the river. (7.0 miles)

Wednesday was a busy day at work with a program audit and then a late afternoon committee meeting. And with things rather messy in the morning due to the snow clean-up, I didn't get out for a run. But that was OK, as I had already planned to take Thursday off from work, so I knew I'd be able to get a run in! Enjoyed a nice run out on the Wolfe's Neck roads after dropping Sam and school. The campground and park dirt roads were an interesting mix of ice, snow and frozen mud, but I never tire of those water views! And I love how the view changes, even after just an hour+ as the water ebbs and flows withthe tide. A lovely way to start an extra day off from work! (8.2 miles)

Friday was a professional development day, so a day off from school for Sam and with no big plans, I wasn't in a rush in the morning. Finally made it out around 8:45 am for a road run. Nice, calm, balmy morning, with a cloudy bright sky as the sun tried to shine through the thick clouds. (7.0 miles)

The rest of the day was reasonably chill, , but I did take a break mid-afternoon from the house chores to get out for a walk. No one else was interested in joining, so it was just me. I took the high route out on the powerlines which was essentially clear, but in the shade on the other side, the snow is still deep. (2.0 miles walked)

Saturday morning, I headed out for the same route I had run on Friday over the two bridges, but ran up through Mom and Dad's neighborhood to make it a mile longer. Damp and overcast. (8.0 miles)

After lunch, Ryan and I took a walk around the school block just for a bit of movement. (1.7 miles walked)

Wrapped up the running week today with my long run - an out and back on Foreside. There was a bit of snow falling right before I headed out, so I was sure to be extra careful on the bike path along the connector as it tends to be slick, and sure enough I saw a runner going the opposite way with a bloody knee and later saw where he'd fallen. Ouch, and very grateful that, unlike him, I managed to stay upright! 

Some pretty views along the Androscoggin and out at my turn-around point at the Muddy River, with two eagles seen too! Plus a lot of other smaller birds flitting and chirping about. A bright and pretty morning but very windy, especially on the way back.💨💨 (15.0 miles)

Happy to finish out the week with 45 miles and a decent long run. 

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