Sunday, January 2, 2022

2021 Wrap-Up

2021 started with a lot of promise and hope, and despite the fact that there was still a lot of wrong in the world and things never went back to "normal," I'm still going to say that it was still a pretty great year. 

We all got vaccinated!

There was a new administration that was reasonable and rational, empathetic and progressive. 

We were able to safely see family and friends throughout the year, and enjoyed the return of holiday gatherings (after everyone tested negative of course!).

Even though I ended up cancelling the trip to No Business 100 in the fall due to a large surge in Covid cases in the south, I had a great race locally at Hamsterwheel, running a huge 100 mile PR in 21:19. 

We had some great in-state adventures together, with a great trip to Southwest Harbor in June with Mom, Dad, Irene and Dana, a fun vacation up in Baxter, another late summer trip to MDI with just the three of us, and went to NH to Neal and Kendra's lake house and enjoyed a return to our annual Bowdoin summer reunion. 

Sam went to sleep-away camp for two weeks.

Morgan and Kristen came to Maine for a visit in October, the first time we had seen them in four years!

We did some fun local explorations and got in some good hikes and walks as a family. 

It's always fun to take a look back at the year and see the highlights. Yes, they are the highlights and don't show the tears, the stress, the frustration, the heaviness of life during an extended pandemic. Did the world go back to "normal"? No. Is everything good in the world? No. I fully recognize this, but I am also incredibly grateful for the good, for the fun, for the joy that we were able to find this year. And of course, for the fact that we all remained healthy. 💗

A few of the highlights:

On the running front, I finished up my 2021 miles early on Friday morning before we headed south to MA for Christmas #2. Headed out with spikes in my pocket, and ran a few laps on the back dirt road before ducking into the woods to run on the trails along the Cathance. It was overcast and mild, with some lovely sticky snow underfoot and a pretty low light through the trees. (10.0 miles)

While the number is arbitrary and really doesn't matter, I'm incredibly grateful that my body held up and that I was able to pull off 40 miles in 4 days to hit my reach goal of 2,200 miles for the year! And overall, I'm proud of the consistency I've managed over the past number of years, and look forward to many more miles moving forward. I know they won't all be rainbows and candy, but I do know that I am always glad when I get out the door for a run, even if I don't initially want to. Putting one foot in front of another and running through the years has allowed me not only to see some wonderful places but to make amazing friends and be part of an amazing community. It is truly is a huge part of who I am and how I interact with the world. 
And why yes, I did hit 2,200 exactly! 😂

2,200 miles run; 332 miles walked/hiked; 8 miles xc skiied

I hit my goal of 2,200 in running miles, came up a little short in walking/hiking miles at 332 versus the 365 mile goal and didn't quite xc ski the 20 miles I had hoped, but really, it's the process that's the fun, so while I really didn't want to fall short on my running goals, the other two were just motivations and hopes for movement, for time outside, for time spent together. Any miles together are good miles! 💗

My one non-running goal was to read 45 books and I managed to read 56! I've enjoyed spending time in the evenings reading with Sam and also tried to take out my book versus my phone a bit more at night or on the weekends when there was time to sit and relax.

Looking back at my hopes for 2021, I'd say I did a pretty good job meeting them and enjoying them:

✔More walks with Sam and Ryan and time spent together outside.
✔Time spent with my parents.
✔A return to visits with Irene and Dana and the rest of the family.
✔A return to runs with friends.
✔Getting out on some slightly farther away but still local running adventures.
✔2,000+ miles run.
✔A 100 mile race run.
✔45 books read.

Hopes and goals for the new year look pretty similar, but I'm good with that 😍:

Time spent walking, hiking, xc skiing with Ryan and Sam.
Time enjoying the outdoors and just plain old time together with my parents.
Visits with Irene, Dana and the rest of the family throughout the year.
More runs with friends!
More local running/hiking adventures.
2,000+ miles run.
A 100 mile race run.
50 books read. 

As always, my overall objectives are to keep it all in perspective, enjoy the little moments as much as possible, and to be aware and open to joy and love and laughter. 

So cheers to more miles, smiles, adventures and time together in 2022!


Running Log Files:

2021 - 2,200.00
2020 - 2,200.00
2019 - 2,116.00
2018 - 2,112.00
2017 - 2,002.00
2016 - 1,900.00
2015 - 1,963.60
2014 - 1,702.00
2013 - 1,557.75
2012 - 1,400.00
2011 - 1,375.00
2010 - 1,100.00
2009 - 675.50 *pregnant/Sam born
2008 - 1,112.00

Walk/Hike Log Files:

2021 - 332.00
2020 - 362.00
*going to have to pull out the old log books for hiking/walking miles in years prior*

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