Thursday, August 26, 2021


Time rushes by these days in the blink of an eye. It's hard to believe it's mid-August. Two weeks of summer left and then school starts up. The days are getting shorter. Always more noticeable at this time of year. It's going to be headlamp time again soon. 

Monday, after a rather stressful day at the computer, Sam and I got out for a late afternoon walk around the block while Ryan headed over to Highland Green to play a round of golf. Beautiful afternoon to get out and move the legs. We've been keeping an eye on the construction of the new track - the scoreboard is now up and they've painted the lane lines. Along the edges of the roadside, the goldenrod blooms, thick and colorful. (2.0 miles walked)

Tuesday, I waited for the sky to lighten before heading out around 5:50 am. Nice, cool morning, which felt wonderful. Ran the cart paths. It was nice to not be fully drenched for a change. (6.0 miles)

I went into the office, Ryan went up to work in the loft, and Mom and Dad took Sam and Anne over to Reid State Park for the day. They totally got the better deal 😉😊

Wednesday, it was back to oppressive humidity and finishing up the run 100% soaked. Ran a road loop around town. Bald eagle in the pine tree along Elm Street and one deer seen on the back dirt road. (8.0 miles)

Friday, I headed over to Bowdoin to run out through the Commons. It was yet another humid, heavy morning with 100% humidity and a dew point equaling the temperature. The original plan was for a long run, but I knew even before I headed out the door that that wasn't going to happen. I went for 10 instead. Finished dripping in sweat with my shoes squishing. Seriously disgusting. Lots of good mushrooms out in the woods through. (10.0 miles)

Later in the afternoon after getting the chores down around the house and before dinner, I dragged Ryan and Sam out for a walk. Neither one of them was particularly happy with me 😂 but I feel strongly that we need to get Sam moving at least a couple days a week! So, a walk it was. We were all sweaty even though we took it nice and easy. Got to see them laying the turf down on the infield inside the track, which was cool. (1.7 miles walked)

Saturday morning, I met up with Emma over at Bradbury. More of the same weather-wise. So saturated! We headed out onto the Connector and the powerlines, returning via the road and the newer Royal River section of the BBU course. There was a fair amount of walking the hills, as honestly even though we were moving at a reasonably sensible pace, it felt like we were running 7:00 min/miles out there with the heavy air. Ugh. Or maybe that was just me 😩😅😁 It was great to catch up with Emma though, and the powerlines were looking really lovely with all the late summer wildflowers. Saw a big old snapper too. Although I had hoped for more miles, my body was like, nah, we are good here... so I sent Emma on to finish up her run, and a down week for me it shall be! (8.2 miles)

Spent the rest of the day monitoring the weather and packing for our camping trip to Southwest Harbor. Despite the uncertain forecast with Hurricane Henri headed up the east coast, we decided to head up there Sunday morning as planned regardless and just hope for the best! Ha. 

Sunday morning, I headed out on the powerlines for a short run before we packed up the car and headed north. Misty and humid, although at least with a slight breeze. Smelled like late summer out there, with a mix of hay scented ferns, goldenrod and viburnum. Happens every year, just a scent in the air. (6.0 miles)

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