Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back to the Land of the Living

Well, not running 20 miles on Sunday might have turned out to be a good thing after all, as by Sunday night, I was feeling pretty badly. Incredible sinus pressure that then coupled into intense ear pressure on Monday, making it feel like someone was jabbing something into my left ear. Lovely. Ryan will tell you it left me feeling rather cranky. The pressure was so intense I couldn't sleep, and nothing, not sudafed, cold meds, ibuprofin, claritin, nor a combination of the above, was helping. So, Tuesday morning I headed to the doctor. Yup, massive sinus infection. "Oh," she said, "you have a lot of swelling going on." Indeed.

Well, thank the heavens for antibiotics, because by yesterday afternoon I was feeling pretty good. The pressure was gone. I was still stuffy with a lot of nasty snot, but I actually felt almost 100% myself again! So, of course, last night, I decided I'd try to run this morning :-) Just to get the legs moving, you know.

Up in the darkness, and out at first light. The sky was a soft pink color, and a low mist was rising above the fields. As I popped out of the woods at the end of Mountain Road, the pinky-orange sun was emerging on the horizon, casting a gorgeous light on everything. Running along the Heath, the cotton sedge was blooming, little white orbs sitting atop green swaying grasses. Stopped for a few blackberries at the end of the powerlines, sweet and juicy. Ah, it sure is good to be back running! Just don't feel quite whole without it.

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