Monday, March 17, 2025

False Spring

Of course winter is not truly over, but this week it has most certainly felt like spring, with the time change, the return of the red-winged blackbirds 😍 and the melting snow. Plus Saturday and Sunday were downright balmy!

Monday was a day off from running, and the high school winter sports awards night. It was a small group of swimmers up on stage, but hearing all their accomplishments read out was quite impressive!

With the time change on Sunday, Tuesday morning it was back to darkness for my run. Headed outa t 5:40 for a run through Highland Green. Quiet, damp and calm, with some slick pavement due to thte temps and moisture. (6.0 miles)

Wednesday was a road run through town. Windy with a fair number of ice slicks to tiptoe around and across. (6.0 miles)

Thursday, I knew I wouldn’t have time to walk later in the afternoon so decided to go out for a morning walk. For some reason going for a walk at 5:45 am in the dark seems weirder than going for a run at 5:45 am in the dark 🤷‍♀️ 🤪 but good to get in a bit of movement. Cold, calm and dark with a cool moon above. (2.6 miles walked)

Friday, I met up with Val over at Bradbury for a run at 10:00 after getting some of my errands crossed off the list earlier in the morning. We weren't sure what we'd find for conditions, but honestly, it was better than I would have expected! Definitely some ice, some bare spots and soft in areas, but with spikes on, it was fairly solid. As always, fun to catch up with Val and a nice bright morning to be out in the woods! (6.0 miles)

Headed out on Saturday around 10:30. Nice morning, a bit breezy and warmer than I thought it would be. I was definitely overdressed! Found some witchhazel on the back dirt road that looks to be starting to bloom. Exciting! (9.0 miles)

Sunday dawned foggy and misty, so I took the lazy route and relaxed a bit on the couch, got some work done, did some chores around the house and finally headed out for a run around 1:00 pm. Yet another afternoon run 🤷‍♀️ Roads with some cart path and dirt roads mixed in to mix it up. Cart paths still not quite clear so there was some definite tiptoeing over icy patches. Still, fared better than Ryan who caught up with me for a stretch and pretty much slipped and fell right away after he found me out on the cart paths 😱😬 Oops! (11.0 miles)

In backyard news, the Birdbuddy bird feeder that Ryan and Sam got me for Christmas has been providing a lot of entertainment, and we have even had a few visits from some bluebirds thanks to the mealworm mix I put out! How exciting! And the redwinged blackbirds are now back. My Facebook memories had been reminding me that they typically have shown up around now and sure enough, when I got home from work on Thursday, a female and two males were out back feeding, and on Saturday, a gaggle of 10 blackbirds and 2 cowbirds touched down out back! Oh yes, and one of the fox is back, looking beautifully healthy with a thick coat. I do so love my backyard 😍

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