Sunday, May 19, 2024


Everything is just popping around here, tree leaves that neon green of early spring and so much in bloom. It is a lovely time of year to be outside enjoying it all. This week was a slow return to running. The hamstring is feeling much better but there is still some discomfort and tightness up near the sit bone and into my glutes, so not completely back to normal but I was able to run a few days so I am taking that as a win! And for that, I am grateful. It was good to get to some of my favorite haunts and enjoy all the flora emerging int he woods 💗

Monday was a walk around the Bath block during swim practice. A nice afternoon to be out. (2.25 miles walked)

It is light so early now! I headed out on Tuesday at 5:30 am for a run to test things out and sunrise was already long over and done with. I did an extended run around the block, adding on holes 1 & 2 as I ran through Highland Green so I could check out the one spot where the hobblebush is always in bloom. It did not disappoint. Saw one turkey, one deer and blooming rhodora down in the dip in the powerlines. Love that magenta. 🤩 Overcast and spitting rain but I really didn’t care. Just happy to be able to get out for some miles although there is still some discomfort so I am going to have to be careful for a bit. Also the bleeding heart in the garden is looking lovely. (4.0 miles)

Wednesday was late start, so I didn't head out until around 6:20. Headed down the powerlines. Blueberry bells in bloom, fringed polygala, rhodora, wood anenome, shadbush, some trailing arbutus still hanging on and so many jack in the pulpits along one of the wooded stretches. Always fun to see. Leg felt so so. (5.1 miles)

Meanwhile, the garden out back is in full swing wih the bleeding heart looking amazing this year, foam flower in bloom and some buds on the columbine. 😍

Ryan headed over to Chalk Pond with Nate on Friday afternoon, and Dad dropped off some soup for us (yum!), which we enjoyed while watching Survivor. 

Knew I couldn't push it too much this week with the running, but after Thursday and Friday off, I was back to it on Saturday morning. Decided to run from the dump parking lot and hit some of the Gone Fishing trails as well as the powerlines. Overcast, muggy and spitting rain. Very green and lots of good flora - first blooming starflower of the season! Hamstring better for sure, still a bit of discomfort near the sit bone. Going very easy. Bobolinks chattering in the dump fields 🤩🤩🤩🤩 (5.1 miles)

After lunch, Sam and I headed out to do some summer shorts shopping for her and then I picked up thai for dinner. Yum! Meanwhile, Ryan was having fun over at Chalk Pond with the boys and the dogs 😊

Another rather damp morning today with a lot of moisture in the air but no rain. Did my stretches plus some weights, and headed out a little before 8:00 am. The Heath is aglow with magenta from all the rhodora in bloom, bunchberries are emerging, and even saw some mushrooms, plus a lot of slugs! Was hoping I might have some red eft sightings but not today. (6.0 miles)

Wishing I could say the hamstring is 100% but that would be a lie. Still, it is much improved. I am grateful I was able to get back to running this week, and will continue to work towards getting back to full strength. 

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