Monday, April 11, 2022

Early April

The kiddo was very put out that I dragged her out for a walk on the powerlines on Monday afternoon. Such a mean parent, I know... And then she talked the whole time! 😆 (1.7 miles walked)

Started the workday in the early dark hours of the morning on Tuesday so that I could get outside in the afternoon and enjoy the beautiful weather. First run of the season in shorts! Yes, really, I prefer tights until the temperature at the start of my run is at least 45 degrees, so this was really the first day that shorts seemed like an option! Ran down to the river and back. Lovely. (6.0 miles)

Headed out right after sunrise on Wednesday morning for a road run through town. Pretty morning along the Androscoggin. (7.0 miles)

Got out in the late afternoon before dinner for a nice walk and talk with Ryan and Sam, looping along the powerlines and then along the golf course. Saw a pair of bluebirds flitting about and the small flock of cedar waxwings that Sam and I had seen at the front of our complex on Monday were still around! (2.66 miles walked)

Ronnie the cat was up in the loft doing who knows what making a lot of noise at like 4:39 on Friday morning so I just gave up on going back to sleep and padded downstairs to the couch instead. Rain was lashing against the window pane and the wind was swinging the front storm door open. Definitely the kind of morning that makes you want to stay curled up inside instead of go for a run! Got Sam to school, made a quick trip to Target, got pasta cooked up for pasta salad for the LRSC banquet in the evening, and did my stretching and exercises and then finally ran out of excuses to head out the door, even though the rain had not yet stopped. Rainy, misty, blech out there, and with all the other things I did before the run, I only had an hour to get in my miles, so I just did the bare minimum for the day. Ran out and back on Highland Green Road and did stop to enjoy a patch of beautiful dwarf iris in one of the garden beds en route. Think I'll have to buy some of these bulbs to plan this fall. They were a beautiful sight on a dreary day! (6.0 miles)

Sam and I headed to the Y in the evening for the end of the season LRSC banquet. Of course, in true preteen fashion, she abandoned me for her friends the second we walked in the door 😂but it was good to celebrate a great season. And for winning 31 State Y Championships in a row, Jay was presented with what else but 31 cans of his favorite Spam 😆😆

The 11-12 year-old Girls Team


Didn't sleep well and was just feeling rather low energy when I woke up on Saturday morning, so instead of the longer run I had originally intended, I lazed around for a while in the morning before finally heading out for a shorter run along the powerlines. Nice, pleasant, misty morning with lots of birdsong. Trails still fairly squishy. (9.0 miles)

Sam went to the school play with Abby on Saturday afternoon, and Ryan and I snuck out for a short walk around the block in between rainstorms. (1.7 miles walked)

Then on Sunday morning, I headed over to Bradbury. First time there in a while! Got in a few solo miles on the mountainside before swinging back to the lot to meet up with Emma for a few eastside miles. Trails were wet and sloppy, but it was a really lovely morning, and of course it was so good to catch up with Emma 💗  It had been way too long! (4.3 + 4.3=8.6 miles)

After lunch, Ryan, Sam and I headed over to the Cathance for a nice walk in the woods and along the river. Definitely a lot of water out there, both on the trail and in the river. Saw one kayaker navigating the rapids further out in the system and another who was up on land checking out another stretch later in our hike. Lots of beaver activity along the riverbank, peepers and wood frogs chirping in the Heath and vernal pool, and some coltsfoot blooming in the sun along the edge of the dirt road. A lovely way to wrap up the weekend! (2.8 miles walked)

Still a lot of ice in the snowhole

So much water!

Busy beavers (but truly!) 😉😆


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