Sunday, March 20, 2022


Busy day on Monday, but with daylight savings, there is a lot of late afternoon light, so we got out for a family walk around the block before dinner. With Sam on swim hiatus, we figure a few walks are probably a good thing to get her moving a bit, and besides, it's nice to have a chance to chat! (1.7 miles walked)

The spring forward for daylight savings has left the early mornings dark again. I simply did not have the willpower to get out the door on Tuesday, so it was an afternoon run on the Highland Green loop with Ryan instead! The back road was almost clear of ice. (6.0 miles)

Didn't get out early and then dad to be in the office on Wednesday all day with an early evening meeting, so running just didn't happen. But Thursday I was working from home, so I got a bit of work done before dropping Sam at school and then headed out right after drop-off and was back at my desk at the kitchen table at 9:30. Highland Green loop again. Overcast and a bit breezy, but warm. Felt decent. (6.0 miles)

It was a beautiful day to be outside on Friday! Started with a few solo miles at Wolfe's Neck, running through the campground and finding a short new-to-me trail through the woods to make a nice loop back to the farm before meeting up with Val and Anne at 9:30. Might have almost gotten the car stuck in the mud on the dirt road on the way there (those were some serious ruts - oops! 😱) but it was such a pretty morning to be out and nice to find some dirt and mud (while running at least πŸ˜‚)!

Always so lovely

Never tire of the bridge view

Once the ladies arrived, we started out with the same loop I had done, but headed off for a bit more of the singletrack behind the farm and got a little off-course with the ice making it a bit difficult to find the correct path. Thankfully, Val eventually figured out where we should be heading, even though I was the one who had run back there before πŸ˜†and we got back to the dirt road and headed to check out the animals before finishing up our run. A bit of dirt road, a bit of muddy, icy trail, a bit lost! It's all good. And always nice to have a chance to catch up on the run with friends! (3.27 + 5.66 miles)

These little calves, born on 3/11, were so cute!

Really new little lambs

From there, we headed to Wild Oats to meet up with Keri and Mindy for lunch and to hear all about Keri's trip to Patagonia! By the time we arrived, the early morning fog had burned off, the sun was out and temps were in the 60s. We sat outside, eating lunch and sharing stories. Such a nice treat! 

Then, shortly after Sam got home from school, she and I headed over to Mom and Dad's for a walk down to the swinging bridge. Definitely warm out! (1.5 miles walked) 

And finally, to finish up the day, we went to get ice cream at Fielder's Choice! Certainly can't complain about a March Friday like that one!! 😍😎

After such a beautiful day on Friday, Saturday dawned damp and dreary, with rain predicted for the majority of the day. I headed out around 7:30 and managed to get in most of my miles before the mist started falling at least, though! Ran the cart paths and Heath, adding in an out-and-back down to the river. The Cathance proper trails were way to icy to go farther, but I figured I had to at least try it out! Heath and cart paths were about 99% ice-free, although definitely very squishy. Four deer and one bluebird seen. (8.0 miles)


With pretty much nothing done off my typical Friday to-do list, the rest of the rainy Saturday was spend doing house cleaning, laundry, bills and all the other stuff that is easily pushed aside when there's the chance to meet up with friends for lunch and a run and to spend most of the day outside! It seemed more than a fair trade 😊

First day of spring on Sunday!  Overcast, a bit foggy and damp at 8:00 am, and not quite warm. Headed out on one of my typical random meanders, doing some roads, with a bit of trail, dirt road and cart paths thrown in. Three deer plus one beautiful owl seen. (12.0 miles)

Temps never warmed up to the originally predicted high 50s, but the sun finally came out mid-afternoon, so Dad joined us for a walk across the street. We did a mix of roads and trails up and over Mt. A. Nice to get out, and also to get Dad out of the house for a bit (Mom was home with a headache πŸ˜“) (2.4 miles walked)

Happy to finish up another solid building block week with 41 miles, and the plan to crank things up a bit more once April hits!
I usually post more photos of Gigi, since she is the sillier and more photogenic of the two cats, but here's a cute one of our old man, Ronnie, who has definitely become a bit senile and can be really annoying in the early morning hours yowling away, but who really is a sweetheart. 😻

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