Sunday, May 16, 2021

MA Trip - Yay Hugs!

With Sam back to school on a regular schedule and both Ryan and I busy with work, we've been walking less as a family midweek. I must say, if there is anything good that came of our forced isolation and more time at home, it is that we got out more often for family walks. And truly, I miss those, and am still pushing for them when I can! And so it was that Monday afternoon, that the three of us got out in the later afternoon for a walk on the powerlines. A lovely afternoon and a lovely walk and talk, except that I picked up two ticks out there and Ryan picked up one, and then two more were found later at home. Ewww! Always so distressing. Darn little buggers. (2.0 miles walked)

Didn't feel great on Tuesday morning so shifted things around enough so that I could work more on the early end and get home in time to get out for an afternoon run. Headed out to the Cathance for a short loop through the woods. Found the first fringed polygala of the season blooming trailside in a patch of sunlight. I love these showy magenta flowers! So pretty. One deer and the pair of nesting canada geese seen. Breezy. (6.1 miles)

Up early but not quite out early enough to catch the sunrise on Wednesday. Headed out around 5:40 for a run on the powerlines. Cool and damp, with a cold rain falling in the middle two miles. Brr! Seven deer bounding through the brush, one towhee calling and at least a half dozen catbirds trilling. (6.0 miles)


We were heading south to Massachusetts on Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with Irene and Dana, whom we hadn't seen in person for 9 months. Because as of Wednesday, we were both officially vaccinated! Woohoo! Thank you, science! Not that we are going to go all wild and crazy, but it sure was nice to feel like we could be comfortable visiting family again 💖

So, with travel on the agenda, I got the grocery shopping and Target trip out of the way on Thursday afternoon after work, and then headed out for my long run early on Friday so as to have time to check the rest of the items off the to-do list and be ready to head out after Sam got home from school.

It was a beautiful morning and I inevitably stopped too many times for photos, but there was such so much in bloom looking lovely out there 😎 Ran out through the Cathance to Head of Tides, then took roads back to the powerlines on Rt. 24, tacked on a loop of Foreside and Homeplace, and then headed back into the woods to run on the powerlines and some of the Gone Fishing trails around the dump. Started out cool but definitely warmed up while I was out there. 💦💦 A bit low energy but was happy to have the legs feel fairly decent throughout, and glad to get in the miles! (18.0 miles)

First rhodora of the season 💗

False Hellebore on the river banks

Starflowers in bloom

Lily of the valley not quite yet unfurled

Saw three Jack in the Pulpits!

Ran around after the run getting ready for a weekend away - it had been so long, we were sure we were inevitably forgetting something 😂 Turns out, we mostly just overpacked 😉😆 Arrived in time for dinner, and of course all.the.hugs 😍 

Ryan and I headed out for a run over at the other Brad on Saturday morning. Everyone had slept in so we didn't get an early start, and it was definitely warm out there. But beautiful! I do so love the early spring green - everything looks so bright! We ran the typical GAC loop, enjoying the woods and getting the chance to run together. That doesn't happen very often! Saw a lot of starflowers, multiple jack in the pulpits and wild geranium, along with a number of red winged blackbirds and one great blue heron. Legs were a bit creaky to start, but not bad. Kept the pace pretty mellow. A nice morning on the trails. (6.0 miles)

Irene, Dana and Sam met us over at the park after we finished up our run and we got in a nice walk along the river and through the fields together before returning home for lunch. So many jack in the pulpits! And some lovely wild oats too. Always good to get out for a walk with the family 💕 (1.5 miles walked)

The rest of the day was spent playing games, laughing, relaxing, and eating, of course 😉😋

Got up early and headed out on the roads for a nice loop through the Georgetown marshes. The air smelled of lilacs and honeysuckle - lovely 🌸 - but the roadside was covered with poison ivy. 😱 Many catbirds and red winged blackbirds flitting and calling, one bunny and one mink/otter (I'm thinking otter but it was a bit too far away to tell for sure), and a whole lot of pollen. My eyes and nose were watering the entire run. Acchooo! Felt good though. (10.0 miles)

Then we got out for a nice mellow family walk around the block before lunch and heading home. So many flowering trees! The air smelled so sweet. A great way to wrap up the weekend, and it was so good to see Irene and Dana! (1.6 miles walked)

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