Monday, June 22, 2020

Summertime!: Week #1

Summer in our house started this week. This ultimately means a bit more free time, and also a bit more boredom for Sam, but what can you do? We're just rolling with the cards we've been given... We've got a list of creative projects to work on, and she'd doing her reading and some of her summer workbook, but the reality is that that still leaves a fair amount of time each day to just hang around. Sigh. I really wish we could send her to camp and to do some of the fun things we had planned this year, but alas, it is not to be. And of course, Ryan and I still have to work... That being said, I am taking some random days off here and there to break things up, and next week, we are going camping Wednesday through Saturday, which is exciting!

Monday: A really busy workday for me, complete with two interviews for a vacant position. I started working at 7:30 and pretty much worked straight through until 3:30, by which time I was DONE. It was a really nice afternoon so Sam and I headed outside for some fresh air. She did three laps around the block on her bike while I walked 1 1/2 laps (there's no keeping up with her on foot now unless we run! 😆), and then after that, we continued on for a walk across the street. Beautiful, warm and sunny out! (2.1 miles walked)

Tuesday: Up and out early for a run on the cart paths and around the Heath. Pretty morning, cool and sunshiney. (7.0 miles)

The colors of summer

Went into the office for the day, during which I had three conference calls and one interview. Gah. The world of working remotely just seems to have exacerbated the need for meetings... 

Came home, and the three of us headed across the street for our first family bike and run excursion! Sam was really excited and did a GREAT job! Of course, I am not an afternoon runner at all, so my body was a bit confused by this adventure 😉😂 and I had no chance at all of keeping up with Sam on the bike on even the slighest downhill, but it was fun. Warm and sunny! (2.1 miles)

Wednesday: Another really nice morning. Ran a mishmash of trails and roads for a rather random loop around home. Legs felt heavy. (6.0 miles)

During her afternoon non-screen time, Sam finished up the cool Hogwarts Clock Tower lego set that Irene and Dana gifted her early on in these pandemic times. She did a great job working on the whole thing by herself, and it really is a pretty sweet completed project!

Then while I sat in on a finance committee meeting at 4:00, Sam and Ryan went out for a 3 mile bike ride/run 😃

Thursday: Took the day off today to break up the week for Sam and get out and do something fun with her. Headed out early to get a short run in. Ran a loop around town on the roads this morning. Nice, calm morning with plenty of sunshine and a whole lot of humidity. So sweaty! (6.0 miles)

Once I got back, I quickly headed to Hannaford to get the weekly grocery shopping done so that we could enjoy the rest of the day at the beach! In a twist of fate, Kristen messaged yesterday to say that Phil was taking the girls to the beach, wondering if we wanted to come. Too funny! 😂 But it was awesome, because a beach trip is much better with your best friend than just with your mom! And the girls had an absolute blast. The water was FRIGID but it did not stop them from spending at least 2 of the 3 hours we were there out in the waves, playing and boogie boarding. I put my toes in a few times and that was more than enough 😉😆 

It really was the perfect day for the beach! Warm and sunny, with a cool breeze, and we lucked out and things didn't really start to get busy until soon before we decided it was time to take our sun-cooked selves home. And with friends, it couldn't get much better 😀

This pretty much sums these two besties up 😂😊💕


Such happiness!

Found a cool little fish

Ahhhh, summer 

Friday: What can I say? I had planned to get up and run in the morning but going back to sleep for a few more hours just ended up being more appealing, so that's what I did 😉 and frankly, then it was just too hot for me to want to head out later in the morning, so Friday turned into a rest day. Not that I sat around... Went up to the Six River farmstand in Bowdoinham to pick up some fresh produce and strawberries, picked up books and the summer reading program info at the library, cleaned the house, did laundry, emptied the dishwasher, helped Sam go through some of the stuff that has been accumulating downstairs in the living room, made blueberry muffins and chocolate chip cookie bars, and Sam and I took a short walk across the street mid-afternoon to watch the Woodside Teacher Parade. It was really sweet, and a nice way to say our goodbyes to some of Sam's great teachers from the past six years 💗 And while, we were waiting in the shade - so hot! - Sam found a four-leaf clover! 🍀 (1.0 miles walked) So a busy, but productive, rest day!

Saturday: Knew it was going to be another warm day, so was up and out early to get in some miles. Ran around the Heath and along the fringes of the Cathance out to Head of Tides before continuing onto the powerlines for a loop around the Lovers Lane snowmobile trails. 

Pretty morning, but warmed up quickly and very humid! So sweaty! Saw one deer and two baby groundhogs. The deer flies are definitely out. Managed to kill a couple, the rest were just sort of circling, but not super aggressively. The heavy air was sweet with the smell of hay scented ferns and blackberry brambles. Felt decent but I am definitely not yet acclimated to the heat atop the humidity. It had gotten up to 80 degrees by the time I got back around 9:00 am. (15.0 miles) 

Head of Tides view, complete with a Heron and a family of geese

Pretty columbine growing out at the edge of the lawn at Head of Tides

Love the smell of these ferns 💕

Ryan ran once the heat really came up but I still wanted to get Sam out for a bit of fresh air, so I cajoled him into going out for a short hike after lunch. I know, I know, but hey, isn't it better that I want to hike than go to the mall?? 😉😇😆 We settled on Higgins Mountain in Georgetown, a 1 mile+ loop that sounded pretty cool. OK, so yes, it was 90 degrees and yes, we were sweating, and yes, the fam was less than thrilled with me, but it really was a lovely little hike with a nice open ledges with views out to the ocean and some nice meandering through the pitch pine forest. And we followed it up with ice cream, so it wasn't all that bad 😁🍦(1.3 miles hiked) 

How they really feel about me dragging them out for a short hike on a 90 degree day 😂😂


Sunday: Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, especially Ryan, Dad and Dana! We are incredibly lucky to have you as such strong forces in our life. We love you! 💗 

Slept in as much as the cats allowed and then headed out around 7:30 for a run. Mid-60s but incredibly humid. Ran the powerlines, adding a Riverside loop along the Androscoggin and then a few of the Gone Fishing trails for additional distance. Nice and sunny, and oh so sweaty! 💦 (10.0 miles)

Love the bright pink of the sheep laurel against the summer greenery

Going to be a good blackberry year, I think! 😋

After lunch, we headed back down to Harpswell to check yet another Harpswell Heritage Land Trust trail system off the list - time the Bowdoin Coastal Studies Center. Ryan and I had been out there eons ago, although neither of us could remember when, and honestly, I don't remember the trail system being so cool. This a really nice piece of property out on a peninsula, surrounded by water and rocky ledges on both sides. We meandered out along the edge of the fields into the woods to walk the perimeter trails, taking our time and going out onto the ledges and rocky shoreline here and there for some exploration. It was warm, but much cooler than Saturday and there was a lovely breeze. Saw two horseshoe crabs and a pair of osprey in their nest, along with a number of black ducks farther out in the water with some little ducklings. Definitely a nice place to hike! (2.8 miles hiked)

Osprey nest

Then it was home for dinner and strawberry shortcake to wrap up the day, and a good start to summer! 

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