Friday, January 31, 2020


The rest of the day Sunday was nice and relaxing. Sam and I got out the pretzel making kit she'd gotten as a gift at Christmas and had fun with it. Ours definitely did not look like professional pretzels 😂 but no matter, they sure did taste good! Yum! 😋

Tuesday morning, I carefully tiptoed across the powerlines to Highland Green Road to avoid the ice, and was grateful to find the sidewalks 99% clear. Nice morning for an easy run. (6.0 miles)

Decided I'd rather sleep on Wednesday morning, so I brought my running gear to the Y to run on the track during swim team practice in the late afternoon. It was a busy place and there was a lot of weaving in and around people the entire time, but felt good. The watch once again measured more than 13 laps per mile. I'm going with it, but can't be quite convinced it is right... (5.6 miles)

Cold but calm morning today for a mellow run around town. Watched the sky light up with bright pink and orange hues as I ran along the path paralleling the Androscoggin and through town to the bike path, and enjoyed the pastel colors above the frozen waters as I crossed back over into Topsham. Really pretty morning. (6.3 miles)

And now it's off to do all.the.things in preparation for heading south for Frozen Yeti tomorrow. Looking forward to some trail time! No big mileage goals, just shooting for the bare minimum of 30 miles to count as a finish 😂😉 When we signed up, I had had grander plans to run 45 for my 45th (Wait, what?! Coming right up on Monday?!? How did that happen?!) and while I've gotten in a few 20 miler over the past 6 weeks, it's honestly just not quite enough to warrant additional mileage and there's really no need to push too much right now. I want this to be a good day of training, not a day that sets me back for weeks as I work towards my 100k in April. So, trying to being realistic and practical, and recognizing that 30 miles is nothing to sneeze at and I can eat cake on Monday in celebration of however many miles I run and however many years the calendar says I am 😃🎂🍰


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, D! I admit, my heart paused for a moment realizing you will be 45. How does this happen! Great job at the Frozen Yeti. Such smart decision making on mile goal.


Sparkplug said...

Thanks, Ann! I don't know how it happened either!!!! ;)