Monday, January 14, 2019

Sunday Funday

Spent the morning yesterday over at Bradbury volunteering at the first snowshoe race of the season. And thankfully, although it was cold, it wasn't windy and the sun was shining brightly and I was wearing enough layers to keep warm. Sam had fun playing in the snow with friends, and was happily occupied while I was ladling out soup to happy, tired snowshoers after the race 😀 Everyone seemed to have had a good time out there, and it's always fun to catch up with friends!

We headed home around 1:00, and once then Ryan got home after the course clean-up, I put back on a few layers and headed out the door for a run around 3:00 pm. Felt pretty sluggish from a late lunch and several hours standing around out in the cold in the morning, but on the plus side, it was sunny and 22 degrees, I had the trails to myself and the sky was aglow with soft late afternoon light. A good way to wrap up the week! (6.5 miles)

1 comment:

Wayne W Walls said...

Snowshoeing sounds so fun! I've never actually tried it though... I think I have something to try this winter! :)