Saturday, December 16, 2017

Week Day Snowy Cathance Running

Tuesday morning's run was a dark, snow in the face, kind of run. The snow had just started as I headed out the door. One of the power company trucks had been up to the top of Mt. A. the day before to check on the tower so there was a nice, packed, if slightly icy, track to the top. Then from the top over to the back road was the track from one snowmobile which connected to the groomed trail running down the backside. Not sure why the crazy grooming guy was out grooming 3" of snow after Saturday's storm but hey, I'll take it! Interestingly, there was one set of truck tracks on hole #3 following the cart path too, so I had a fairly packed route all the way to the Heath. And as there often is, there had been traffic on the trails, so all told, fairly decent early season conditions and plenty enough traction with just my screwshoes. Looped my way around in the dark and then tacked on another road mile by the high school to finish up the run. (5.1 miles)

Snow continued to fall throughout the day, accumulating a few inches, before turning to rain which then froze into a solid sheet of ice over everything overnight. Wednesday morning's run down to the river was a very crispy, noisy one, with lots of ice covered trees bowed down across the trail to make things a bit more interesting. It was slow going but the crescent moon above was shining brightly, and along the powerlines on the return trip, the red winterberries were encased in ice and oh so beautiful! (5.5 miles)

Along the river in the pitch dark

The ice-encased berries looked so pretty but were hard to photograph in the semi-darkness!

Thursday was a rest day. I do so love coming downstairs and sipping coffee in the darkness next to the lit Christmas tree :)

Quiet morning

Yesterday, Ryan and I both had the day off so we planned a morning run together for getting to the movie theatre to see the new Star Wars movie. Of course, temperatures were hovering around zero degrees so it took about 2 miles for my hands to warm up and three miles for my toes to warm up - brrrr! But it was gorgeous out along the river and with the sun shining through the ice-covered trees. Conditions were variable to say the least and it was slow going but it was fun to get out in the daylight and run with Ryan! (8.0 miles)

Roaring river

Pretty winter waters


Happy runners :)

Sunlit, snow covered trails

Lots of ice build-up already!

A few ice pancakes frozen into the ice

Following Ryan along the Ravine Trail

Blue skies and snow covered trees

Shimmering light

After an early lunch, we spent several hours in the theatre watching the movie - oh boy, was it good! - and then stopped to do a quick grocery shopping trip on the way home. It was nice to spend a Friday just having fun and not crossing things off my to do list!!

Sam's school was having a movie night last night, so I dropped she and Anne off and then since Mom and Dad are in town for an early Christmas celebration this weekend, the four of us went off to El Camino for dinner. What fun and oh so delish! What a great way to finish up the week!

While the kiddo is at movie night, the adults will play!

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