Saturday, October 18, 2014

Early Morning 20

Up and out early this morning for today's long run. Started with the headlamp but only needed it a few miles, especially since I ran the cart paths first and even with the overcast sky, it's always much lighter out in the open. Saw a number of twisty turn deer tracks cutting across the dew-covered greens but not much else. After section #1 of the run was done, I headed out along the Heath onto the Cathance trails, wandering along the river, which was roaring nicely after this week's rains. It's pretty slow going in there right now, as the leaves are hiding all the roots and the bog bridges were incredibly slick too. Still, it's always lovely to be out in the woods out there. I ran out the long way to Head of Tides, and realized around mile 12 that my legs, particularly my quads, were feeling quite tired and heavy. I contemplating taking the right-hand turn back home when I hit the powerlines at mile 14 but eventually convinced myself that 6 more miles was no big deal (sometimes it takes some serious talking to myself to get these things done) and turned left for the final miles. This also coincided with my discovery of this little guy on the sidewalk, so I stopped to rescue him and move him to the edge of the woods. These little red efts always make me smile, so it was easier to keep going after that.

Luckily, the snowmobile/powerline trail is very mellow and essentially flat so the last miles were much easier on my legs. I ran the Lovers Lane snowmobile loop, scaring up four turkeys and two deer along the way. Finished up with 20 miles on the dot :)

We headed to Broadway Deli afterwards where I refueled with pumpkin pancakes and bacon. Yum.

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