Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Few Photos

There were several photographers out on the TARC course and they did a good job getting photos of all the runners. Here are a few good ones from the weekend:

See? Proof that I really was having fun out there, even if suffering :-)

Thanks to TomTom for the photos!


Today, I took Sam and Anne to the Woodside Field Day. They invited the pre-K kids to come and be a 'team.' It was pretty hysterical and definitely chaotic, but Sam had a blast. Anne might have been a bit more overwhelmed by it all, but in fairness to her, it was during naptime and she still sleeps at daycare, so she was a bit tired out. I am really glad I was able to take them!

Ball toss

Sponge relay

I'm lovin' it!

Throw the soggy ball in the colander

Sam, Anne and Abby - Building Block girls

After field day, we went to refuel at Gelato Fiasco and then the girls came back and played 'princess' up in Sam's room the rest of the afternoon :-)

Hungry bunnies

Best buds

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