Saturday, March 17, 2012

End of the Week Running

I got out for a rather randomly routed 5.6 mile run (you know, to make up for the 2.6 miles not run on Wednesday :-)) on Thursday, running the Highland Green Road with a loop down to the river thrown in and a return on the cart paths and up and over Mt. Ararat. There was a very light dusting of snow on the ground, making footing a bit tricky in spots, but I think the trails and cart paths will be pretty bare shortly with the warm weather in the forecast.

I didn't get out on Friday, because, well, Sam was up screeching a number of times in the night and the cats were scratching at the blinds in the windows at 0'dark thirty, and I just didn't get a lot of sleep. Not to mention, it was in the lower 30s and misty, rainy, yucky, and I felt no real urge to get out in such damp, cold weather.

So this morning, after playing with Sam for a few hours, I got out for a nice, quick 5 miler on the Highland Green loop. I felt good, and it was a nice spring-like morning. The birds were flitting about and the sun was warm. The stretches of ice/snow on the powerlines is shrinking rapidly, and the back road of Highland Green is back down to dirt/mud. Today's run brought the week up to 35 miles, and I'm looking forward to a good 20 miler next week in what sounds like really warm weather!

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