Sunday, July 3, 2011

Georgetown Five

We're down visiting with Ryan's family today, so I hit the roads around their place for my run. I headed out around 11:15. It ended up being what was likely the worst time of the day to run. It was sunny, hot, heavy and humid out. I was sweating buckets after 2 minutes. And with that, I just decided I might as well kick up the pace in an effort to get the run over with faster. Why prolong the agony? I ran a nice 5 mile loop with a big hill right after the 2 mile mark. Phew, it was tiring. The sun was beating down on me. No one was out in their yards. The roadside was practically brimming over with poison ivy. Makes me itch just thinking about it! I did see a few guinea hens rooting through someone's yard. Boy, they are funny looking creatures :-) I finished up in 39:30. I may regret that tomorrow during my planned 15 at Bradley Palmer, but it was nice to get back into the A/C sooner rather than later!

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