Sunday, May 1, 2011


We had originally planned to head west this weekend so that Ryan could run 7 Sisters and we could visit with friends who live in Pittsfield. Well, given the broken ribs and all, this didn't seem like a truly wise plan, but I had already taken Saturday off, so we didn't want to waste it. Instead, we decided to head down to see Ryan's parents, and get in a visit with friends in Boston, a visit with Ryan's grandparents, and some running at Bradley Palmer for Ryan and I. It was a gorgeous weekend, and we had lot of fun. Things were really popping down in Georgetown - the azaleas and magnolia trees were in full bloom, the grass was green, tulips were up in force, periwinkle was blooming along the roadside, poison ivy was making an appearance in the brush, and there was pollen on the streets. Ahhh, spring :-)

On Saturday, after a morning spent playing with Sam, we put her down for a nap and drove over to Bradley Palmer for our run. Thanks again to Grammie and Grampie for watching over the baby monitor while we were gone. They really lucked out this time - Sam slept for 3 hours! - so I think they might have had 15 minutes with her before we got home :-) Sam must have been pretty tired out from her week at daycare, and from playing around outside on the nice, wide grassy area behind Irene and Dana's house. Since her new favorite word is "outside," we did a lot of that this weekend!

Anyway, while Sam was sleeping, Ryan and I enjoyed a really nice run at Bradley Palmer. We ran two laps of the GAC Fat Ass course for 12 miles. Although there are certainly other trails to run in the park, the FA loop is a good one, and we already knew the course and distance, which made things a bit easier. The trails were in great shape, the weather was perfect, and it was a lot of fun to get in a trail run with Ryan again. I was really impressed with how well he ran today, given that it was his longest run since Gator Trail, and really only his first "full" week back running. He's on his way back, for sure!

Flora and fauna notes: Saw a male bluebird landing on a tree branch at the entrance to some of the trails near the parking lot. Beautiful! Also, a red-tailed hawk, phoebes, tufted titmice, chickadees, a brown creeper and a few unidentified warblers flitting about.  Lots of big, leafy skunk cabbage in the swamps, a few jack in the pulpits, some patches of rue anemone and a handful of purple violets but not much else blooming yet in the park. We did however, see a ton of trout lilies and periwinkle in full bloom along a few hillsides along the back roads on the way to the park.

Sunday's run was a quick 5-miler on the roads around Georgetown while Sam napped this afternoon. Ryan accused me of picking up the pace each mile, but I wasn't wearing my Garmin, so I can't confirm or deny that statement :-) I did feel good, though, despite a bit of stiffness in the first 1/2 mile. And despite the wind, it was a pretty afternoon to be out, and another nice run with Ryan.

So, all in all, a good running weekend, and fun to see family and friends too!

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