Saturday, April 16, 2011


It felt like a return to winter this morning when I headed out at 6:30am for a short run before everyone woke up. The thermometer was reading 28 degrees. Brrr. I sank into frozen mud puddles, and big patches of thick, curling hoar frost coming up through the wet sand crunched beneath my feet as I ran along the powerlines trail. So much for spring! I got in a mellow 3 miles, and came home to find Sam and Ryan reading in bed. Cute :-)

The past few days Ryan has been feeling much better, and I can tell the pain from his ribs has diminished significantly. Hurray! I think it will still be a few weeks before he's out running, but at least he can walk around normally now, and has even voluntarily left the house a few times (other than for a doctor's visit) :-) Encouraging, so sure! Sam, on the other hand, seems to be going through a bit of a rough patch - with her two upper canine teeth coming through, a bit of trouble adjusting to the "big kid" room at daycare (actually, this is the room she should be in, with all the kids being in her age group, but she is the smallest by far!), and a little 'mama' separation thrown in too. Poor kid. Luckily, Ryan's parents came up today to help Ryan out while I was at work, and Sam seemed to emerge from her little funk, having a great day all day. Not to mention, she took a 3 hour nap. That always helps!

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